
Project Management

Project Management

At bizmocom we utilize a structure for project work, covering all areas from the early startup phase to completion, delivery and operational security. It has proven well earned and has been succesful developed through many years of Project work.

Our project management includes and describes all the necessary components and methods that are part of a complete system delivery.

The aim is to ensure efficient completion of each project, while maintaining the confidence of customers. There is a strong emphasis on validation of all elements of delivery, both the general ones, as the more specialized features.

The people involved in the projects are the same who will offer to develop proposals for service and maintenance on the system after commissioning and handover.

The bizmocom model in outline:

  • Understand the customer, customer's requirements and "what can make a difference".
  • Provide timeline, economic conditions, technical and educational environment for the project.
  • Together with the Client, throughougly analyze the various options and establish a list of "pro et contra" for each option.
  • Make an qualified choice, taking into account the client's ambitions, capabilities and technology.
  • Close negotiations with suppliers and ensure security of contractual relationships.
  • Deploy the solution.
  • Evaluate the impact of the implemented solution - have we achieved our ambitions?
  • Hand-over of the project, including consolidation with Service Level Agreements, etc.