
Business Areas

Modern technology can do wonders for communication, but it requires both insight and vision to implement the right solutions for the individual customer.

Basically, we call all our services "Consulting Services" as we feel it is the most reasonable interpretation of reality. We insist on being "servants"for our customers - in the best sense.

Hos bizmocom er vi ikke "eftersnakkere" og giver altid vor ærlige vurdering tilkende, men mener samtidig at vi skal være et redskab for at få den bedste løsning i drift. Der kan være mange forhold i en virksomhed, der betinger en løsning, som måske ikke er teknisk-, men forretningsmæssig optimal. Vi ønsker derfor ikke at overtage rollen som beslutningstager, men vil meget gerne være med til at sikre, at alle forhold bliver belyst så man i fællesskab kan nå det rigtige slutprodukt for kunden. At bizmocom we are not "after talking blockers" and always give our honest appraisal award, but thinks that we should be a tool to get the best solution in operation. There may be many situations in a company that determines a solution that might not technically, but commercially optimal. We therefore do not wish to assume the role of decision maker, but would love to help to ensure that all issues are clarified as to jointly achieve the right end product for the customer.

We deal exclusively with Network Technology, but has a good background knowledge of Server Technologies, Virtualization, and specialized appliances.

A natural part of our long experience, the supply of specific services in a network is of course a part of our technical toolbox.

At bizmocom we have specialized within 7 core competencies, namely:

  • Project Management.
  • Consultancy.
  • Service Level Agreements.
  • Courses & Training.
  • Special Programming
  • Pre-Configuration Services.
  • Assistance on RFI, RFP, RFQ and Bid Management

Within each of these seven areas, we offer, to take full responsibility throughout the process.

We always prepare a written report which is transferred to the customer after a job is completed.

Det er specielt vigtigt for os, at samarbejdet sker ligeværdigt, og i gensidig forståelse og respekt mellem kunde og bizmocom. Vi forlanger således også noget af vore kunder! It is of special importance to us that our cooperation is equitable and in mutual understanding and respect between client and bizmocom. We therefore make some demands to our customers!